Servin Up Some

Friday, June 24, 2011

Tool #3: Finding Online Video and Image Resources

Video hosting/streaming sites are highly used by today's educator. It is another digital tool that appeals to the digital-aged learner. Sites such as Discovery Education and, yes, You Tube have much to offer for educational purposes. I use these sites often to either introduce or reinforce concepts, typically showing clips of full-length videos to target the TEKS objective for the day. The video clip, "Polar Bears," was downloaded to my laptop from Discovery Education, then uploaded to Blogger, and "Naughty Number Nine" is embedded from YouTube.

I went to Hall-Davidson online to get more information about fair use laws. One law that I found useful was "Up to 10% of a copyrighted musical composition may be reproduced, performed and displayed as part of a multimedia program produced by an educator or student for educational purposes." The fine print suggests no more than 30 seconds in length. How do you use music to enhance the classroom experience? Is 30 seconds enough to establish purpose with the students?

1 comment:

  1. I know you've done this before because video and the Activ Board go hand in hand!
