Servin Up Some

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thing #6 - iTouch

I am not an iTouch user, so my breadth of knowledge regarding apps for students, even after talking with others and researching the topic, is limited. The most obvious use with the iTouch is the Kindle app which allows users to read novels, articles, etc. I also saw other apps that students/children may use such as Tales2Go, a storytelling site, and a site that walks students through the long division process. This will probably be my weakest blog post. Although I enjoy learning about new technologies, I don't know if I'll ever be a big Mac user. It has just never appealed to me much.

1 comment:

  1. Our Speech Teacher really liked using the i Touches with her students. They have some math flash card drills that I think would appeal to your kids. They are also good for "rewards"
